Main Information and Analytical Center
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
Information. Credibility. Technologies
About the center
The main activities
History of the center
Accounting forms in the field of education
Departmental Reporting Forms
Summary Statistics
Respondent Calendar
User Calendar
Basic indicators
Statistical Map
Normative acts
Principle "One window"
List of administrative procedures
Electronic appeal
Contact Information
List of paid services
Our projects
Verification Center
DB about orphans and children left without parental care
Education Documents Database
DB about children with OPFR
IAS "1-DU"
IAS 1-prafteh
DB about children traveling for rehabilitation abroad
Database of gifted youth
GIS "Register of students"
RAS "E-education. General secondary education
RAS "E-education. UVO "
AIS "State order and reception"
Departmental Reporting Forms
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Accounting forms in the field of education
Departmental Reporting Forms
Summary Statistics
Respondent Calendar
User Calendar
Basic indicators
Statistical Map
Departmental Reporting Forms
Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated December 17, 2018 No. 891 "On establishing the list and forms of departmental reporting of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for 2019
The list of departmental reporting forms of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for 2019
Information about the provision of students receiving general secondary education, special education at the level of general secondary education in primary schools, basic schools, secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, educational and pedagogical complexes (except secondary schools - schools of the Olympic reserve), special secondary schools, auxiliary schools on the territory of radioactive contamination, free meals
Information on the rehabilitation of students in general secondary education, special education, educational institutions and other organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education in the territory of radioactive contamination
information on the provision of teaching staff for institutions of general secondary education, educational institutions and other organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education, institutions of additional education for children and youth in the territory of radioactive contamination
Report on the adoption of orphans and children left without parental care
Information about the library of the institution of general secondary education
Information about readiness for the school year of educational institutions implementing educational programs of special education
Information about the recovery of children with special needs in the summer
Report of the State Center for Correctional Development Education and Rehabilitation
Information on the employment of graduates of educational institutions implementing the educational program of special education at the level of secondary education, the educational program of special education at the level of secondary education for people with intellectual disabilities
Information on the acquisition of educational institutions implementing educational programs of vocational education
Information on the distribution, employment of graduates of educational institutions implementing educational programs of vocational education
Information on the implementation of state social standards
Report on the results of admission of documents from applicants and admission of applicants
to an educational institution implementing educational programs of secondary specialized education
Report on the results of admission of documents from applicants to a higher education institution
Report on the results of admission of applicants to a higher education institution
Report on appeals of citizens and legal entities
Information on the progress of reimbursement to the republican and (or) local budgets of funds spent by the state on the training of a worker serving in an educational institution implementing educational programs of vocational education
Information on the volume of the pedagogical load of teachers and teachers in educational institutions implementing educational programs for general secondary, vocational, technical secondary education, special education at the level of general secondary education
Youth Employment Report
The form of the state statistical reporting 1-pu (Ministry of Labor and Social Security), "Report of the establishment of an additional education of children and youth"